Here are some stuffs about me you might be interested in

Name: Vickie Yu-Chi Chen

Birthday: Feb 9th, 1980

Horoscope: Aquarius

Nick names: Strawberry Girl, Nike, Mickey, Miss. Bean

Family: One older sister (Jennifer), and dad and mom.

Favorite Colors: Green, Navy blue

School: University of Texas at Austin

Major: Music ( piano performance)

Favorite Composer: Chopin

Most precious things to me: My animal stuffs, my violin, and my grand piano, and my FRIENDS!!!!

Friends(I'll try to list all of them): Sophia Liu, Shirley Liu, Samantha Lin, Jason Chou, Stephen Ou, Nancy Yeh, Rosanna Young, Sitson Lee, Tom Kuo, Henry Tsai, Wing Wong, Caroline Chen, Richard Wang, Hugh Chang, Annie Cheng, Peter Cheng, Dean Wang, Hana Chen, Jennifer Hong, Shaun Yeu, Vivian Lee, Yata Ho, Timothy Kuang...guess why you're name's not on it?!...I did it on purpose!...

From: I was born in Taiwan, then I lived in Richerson, Dallas for 1/2 year. In 1993, I moved to Sugar Land, Houston as a 7th grader. I attended Dulles Middle School for a year, then went to Lake Olympia Middle School because of ESL program. Then I went to Clements High school the next 4 years. And now, my home is still in Sugar Land, but I go to Austin for school.

Personality: My friends think I am weird, and got multiple personalities ~_^ HUH?!?!?!? Believe it or not, they say I am quiet cold toward people I first met, and too immature and outgoing if one knows me too well.

ICQ#: 3353772 for Strawberry Girl

Fun: Fun things I like to do are shopping, play piano, violin. I like to play all sort of sports even though I am not very good at them. Spending time with friend and go out to try new restaurants.

Things that I can't stand: I can't stand people who are LATE all the time....Have I ever been late? I'm sorry =(.

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